Can I Get Red Tide in My Swimming Pool?

The simple answer is no, you cannot get red tide in your pool. If you have reddish discoloration in your pool you may have the dreaded “Pink Slime”. This is the Serratia Marcescens bacteria, which is an airborne particle that can infect swimming pools. It is considered harmful to humans, and you will want to stop using your facility immediately until it has been treated.

How do I get rid of pink slime?

Serratia Marcescens (otherwise known as Pink Slime) grows quickly, and can return if proper cautionary steps are not taken. Immediately isolate any pool equipment that you use within the pool (brushes, vacuum hoses, floats, toys, etc) and place them inside the pool. You will then begin a shock treatment on the pool by introducing 4x the normal amount of chlorine you place into the pool.

Using diluted bleach and cleaning products, ensure that you thoroughly scrub any outside areas of the pools (handles, gates) and thoroughly clean out your filtration system (traps, filters) with bleach water.

If any object that was contaminated is placed back into the pool after the shock treatment is concluded, the pink slime growth may begin again and you will have to start over.